Selected Professional Publications

Boyd, D. K., D. E. Ausband, H. D. Cluff, J. R. Heffelfinger, J. W. Hinton, B. R. Patterson, and A. P. Wydeven. 2023. North American wolves. In T. L. Hiller, R. D. Applegate, R. D. Bluett, S. N. Frey, E. M. Gese, and J. F. Organ, editors. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Wildlife Ecology Institute, Helena, Montana, USA.

Boyd, Diane K. 2022. Lessons Learned to Inform Colorado Wolf Reintroduction and Management.   National Wildlife Federation.  43 pages.  

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2019.  Evaluating the Taxonomic Status of the Mexican Gray Wolf and the Red Wolf.  Washington, D.C. The National Academies Press.  17226/25351.

Sells, S. N, K. M. Podruzny, J. J. Nowak, T. D. Smucker, T. W. Parks, D. K. Boyd, A. A. Nelson, N. J. Lance, R. M. Inman, J. A. Gude, S. B. Bassing, K. E. Loonam, and M. S. Mitchell. 2022. Integrating basic and applied research to estimate carnivore abundance. Ecological Applications. 2022;e2714.

Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, K. M. Podruzny, D. E. Ausband, D. J. Emlen, J. A. Gude, T. D. Smucker, D. K. Boyd, and K. E. Loonam. 2022.  Competition, prey, and mortalities influence group size in a cooperative carnivore. Journal of Wildlife Management. 

Boyd, D.K.  2019. Do the Mexican wolf and the red wolf deserve distinct classification?  International Wolf Magazine.  Fall 2019.

Jimenez, M., E.E. Bangs, D.K. Boyd, D.W. Smith, S.A. Becker, D.E. Ausband, S.P. Woodruff, E.H. Bradley, J. Holyan, K. Laudon. 2017.  Wolf dispersal in the Rocky Mountains, western United States: 1993-2008.  Journal of Wildlife Management 81(4)581-592.

Murray, D.L., D.W. Smith, E.E. Bangs, C. Mack, J.K. Oakleaf, J. Fontaine, D. Boyd, M. Jimenez, D. Niemeyer, T.J. Meier, D. Stahler, J. Holyan, V.J. Asher.  2010.  Death From anthropogenic causes is partially compensatory in recovering wolf populations.  Biological Conservation 143:2514-2524.


Boyd, D.K.  2005.  Wolf habituation as a conservation conundrum.  Online in M.J. Groom, G.K. Meffe, and C.R. Carroll, eds. Principles of conservation biology, third edition.  Sinauer Associates.  699pp.